Christ (Not Jesus) 29. Christ (Not Jesus) Christ (Not Jesus)

Christ is the savior! That is, attaining Christhood or Christ consciousness is what saves you. But only you can, and must attain it. It cannot be accomplished for you by someone else. Jesus, and all spiritual teachers do save us, but THEY SAVE US BY TEACHING US HOW TO SAVE OUR SELVES. A God-man such as Jesus can do miracles, can forgive Karma, heal the sick, make the blind see. But not even Jesus can make a person change, that is, make a person give up their egoic state of mind and return to a God state of mind. For each person has free will to choose. And some day, must choose. This choice or sacrifice of the ego is practiced during what is called meditation-cultivation. In meditation the body and ego are set aside for a while to experience perfect consciousness. To "Be ye therefore perfect," for God is worshiped in spirit only."

Christ is not a person. It is an accomplishment-a state of being.

Nirvana is not a person. It is an accomplishment-a state of being.

Samadhi is not a person. It is an accomplishment-a state of being.

E. Cayce States:

What is the significance of the words "Jesus" and "Christ?" "Jesus is the man-the activity, the mind, the relationship that he bore to others. Yea, he was mindful of friends, he was sociable, he was loving, he was kind, he was gentle, he grew faint, he grew weak, and yet gained that strength which he had promised in "becoming the Christ; by fulfilling and overcoming the world. Ye are made strong in body, in mind, in soul and purpose, by that power "in" Christ. The universal consciousness or mind, the Father is divided or individualized "in" each human as the "inner" consciousness, inner Self, a reflection of the universal outer self the Father. When a human dissolves the ego and returns to union with the inner consciousness or inner true Self; if he is called or referred to as a "Christ". Attaining, or actually returning to one's own true inner self or Christ consciousness or Christ mentality is the savior. Attaining or actually returning to the inner self or Christ is "self salvation"only if one chooses to return. The power is in the Christ. The pattern is in "Jesus the Man." -End

Ram Dass States:

Christ or Jesus? "No man comes to the Father but through me." [-Jesus the Christ]. In almost all Holy Books, and especially in the words of Holy beings, we are dealing with transmissions to different levels of disciples and devotees who can "hear" different things. We are of God. He who knows God (in a condition of At-One-Ment, Self realization), hear us. He who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. In the New Testament, are those words of Jesus or of the Christ? We have really at least two beings in that one in that one being. One of them is Jesus who is the Son. A form of the Father made manifest on earth: (Son of God). "I am in the Father; The Father is in me." Then there is the Christ, which is the consciousness out of which that form is manifested. The consciousness that acknowledges the living spirit. That's not necessarily Jesus the Man. The predicament is that, depending upon our degree of readiness, we become involved with the devotional relationship either to Jesus, the man or to Christ. The consciousness, Christ consciousness, and my experience of that particular Bible quote is that it is Christ speaking, not Jesus; that Jesus is a historical statement of the perfection made manifest (as is the possibility of each human being). "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me"(and attains inner union), the works that I do he will do also: and greater works than these he will do because I go to my Father. [-Jesus, John 14:12]. And at that historical moment Christ said to somebody, "You can only come to the Father through me." Though it may have been interpreted as coming from the body of which was Jesus. For someone else, at another moment, it means the greater body out of which that body comes, which is the Christ body. And that Christ consciousness is what would be called the giving spirit. It's like the statement, "Eat of my flesh: drink of my blood." He didn't expect people to come up and tear off his arms or drink out of his veins: that is the universal form "speaking," saying consume the universe into your Self; drink of the universe (universal mind which is in each person) so that you may know the Father." That's not Jesus speaking. That's the Christ, or Christ consciousness or Christ mentality. And the problem occurs. That much heavy violence has been done. Through interpreting that initial


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