Consciousness (Two Forms) 35. Consciousness (Two Forms) Consciousness (Two Forms)

This is the state of blessedness of the person who has established himself/herself in unity with the universal Self. They are called "Jitaman," whose calm and serenity are not disturbed by the pains of the opposites. The "Supreme Self" regards them as his very SELF. The SELF in the body is generally absorbed by the world of dualities; heat and cold, pain and pleasure. But when in controls the senses and masters the world (subdues the earth), the SELF becomes free. The Supreme Self is not different from the SELF in the body. When the SELF is bound by the modes of "Prakrti" or nature it is called "Ksetrajna;" when it is freed from them, the same SELF is called the Supreme Self. This is certainly the position of Advaita (non-dual) vedanta.


The body exists in space, the mind exists in time. The body-mind, therefore, exists in space-time, and it demonstrates all of the paradoxes of space-time phenomena.

The mind, through association with the body, enjoys the modes of movement or change in space. The body, through association with the mind, enjoys the modes of movement or change in time. But the body-mind inheres in the Divine Being or Infinitely Radiant Self. Therefore, the Being Who is the Self of the body-mind always tran:scends time, space, and space-time, or all the phenomena and paradoxes of experience.


All conditions in time may be conceived or inspected in the mind's permutations. All space may be perceived or visited in the body's mutations or planes of manifestation. All space-time may be known in the stares of the My-mind, if the body-mind is surrendered in Transcendental Ecstasy (or inherence in the Infinitely Radiant Being).

The "witness"- consciousness, which is identical to consciousness itself, is not "caused." Consciousness itself is not an "effect" or a "result" of any conditional event or and display of conditional events. The very existence of consciousness itself is not dependent on any condition, or any display of conditions. Consciousness (super consciousness, over soul, atman, Christ consciousness, Tao) itself is an inherent characteristic or most "prior," most primitive, irreducible, inherently spiritual and (ultimately) "divine element of being itself," or "of existence itself," or "of reality itself." When conditions arise and change, and pass away in the view of consciousness being prior to body mind, consciousness itself remains always as the same, as "consciousness being existence prior to the physical body-mind-and thoughts."

-Franklin Jones

Consciousness is the "soul," "The Holy" Spirit, the SELF in SELF awareness. It is also called the over soul or super consciousness. The term super consciousness is somewhat misleading as it implies that it is something special or above the ordinary. But in fact, it is the natural and true state of each human being. It is the egoic state which is the SUB-NORMAL condition and is UNNATURAL.

The achievement of "SELF realization" in many religions is referred to as the "gate" or the "gate to all wonders". It is the beginning of a true life and grows deeper and more profound as long as it is maintained. (Self realization can be lost if one is not careful.)

Pure consciousness is not male or female. Consciousness is spirit. Living consciousness is living spirit.

A person's inner consciousness is the exact same as the universal consciousness or what is called God. When a person abandons their ego, and just consciousness remains, they are connected and the same as the universal consciousness or universal mind and pure mind. The pure consciousness in the body is called the Holy Spirit, or guide or helper.

The helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will (uncover) will teach you all things and bring all things back to your remembrance.

-Jesus, John 14:26


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