Consciousness (It-Self) 34. Consciousness (It-Self) Consciousness (It-Self)

There is no discrete, definable, specific, or “objectively”-existing mind or psyche behind Consciousness Itself.

Mind and psyche are not “entities” or separate “identities”.

Mind is pattern-only, and brain-specific, and never defined or summarized.

Mind is process, not “thing”.

Mind is not an “identity”—but it is (by convention) “fictionalized” as a pseudo-identity, in the form of a mentally (and falsely) presumed “objective” psyche, or a named and categorically separated ego-“I”.

There is no mind, no psyche, no name, no personal “identity”, no ego-“I”, and no “point of view” (or particularized space-time-“location”) behind Consciousness Itself.

There is no pattern and no individuated “self” behind Consciousness Itself.

There is no “thing”—no “objective” or “subjective” category, form, or conditionally existing state—behind Consciousness Itself.

There is no “thing”—no “objective” or “subjective” category, form, or conditionally existing state—in front of Consciousness Itself.

Consciousness Itself Always and Only Self-Exists, Transcendentally Spiritually Self-Radiant and Self-“Bright” As Itself.

Consciousness Itself Is The Acausal, Intrinsically egoless, Self-Existing, Self-Radiant, Mere, Transcendental Spiritual, and Indivis-ible Self-Presence of Reality Itself—Always Already Perfectly Prior to conditionality, pattern, “object”, “subject”, form, relations, body, mind, name, thought, psyche, personality, and “self”-identity (or ego-“I” and space-time-“location”, or “point of view”).

Therefore, to Stand (or Self-Exist) Self-Radiantly As Consciousness Itself—Intrinsically and Perfectly Outshining all possible “things”, behind and in front—Is to Self-Abide Always Already Perfectly Prior to all conditionality, pattern, “object”, “subject”, form, relations, body, mind, name, thought, psyche, personality, and “self”-identity (or ego-“I” and space-time-“location”, or “point of view”). Consciousness Itself—Intrinsically egoless and Transcendentally Spiritually Outshining all possible “things”, behind and in front—Is Perfect, Free, and Never bound or limited.

Transcendental Spiritual Self-Realization of The Intrinsically egoless Self-State of Consciousness Itself Is Freedom Itself, Liberation Itself, Salvation Itself, Enlightenment Itself, and Divine Self-Realization Itself.

Consciousness Itself—Transcendentally Spiritually Self-“Bright”, Boundless, and Centerless As Is—Is Real God.


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