Drugs, Social 43. Drugs, Social Drugs, Social

In a report issued from the International Foundation for Advanced Study, Menlo Park, California, by J. N. Sherwood, M.D., M. J. Stolaroff, and W. W. Harman, Ph.D., the following comment on the use of heavy does of LSD suggests the existence of healing powers of inner areas of the mind so far only imagined to exist: "Many of the beneficial effects of LSD-induced experiences have been reported elsewhere. These include the abreaction of pent-up emotions, and increased psychological understanding. However, there is an additional aspect of the large-dose technique which seems to play a most significant role in producing personality transformation: the discovery by the subject of the vast extent of his own being, having understanding and abilities far greater than previously imagined." The report mentions also the work of another investigator who speaks of "peak experiences, mystic or oceanic experiences so profound as to remove neurotic symptoms forever after."

One can only urge the searcher to consider that he is likely to discover the bad as well as the good within himself. Guidance from understanding and medically trained persons is most desirable. High purposes and goals for the searching within are essential to safe passage.

-E. Cayce, A.R.E. Foundation

Note: The limitation of mystic experiences and inner visions are described in the chapter on Mysticism.



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