Islam 87. Islam Islam

Those who are familiar with yogic doctrine will find Advaita (non-duality) proclaimed in the Koran verse: 'He is God alone, God the eternal. He begets not, nor is He begotten, and there is no other like unto Him.' Another verse: "Wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah' teaches that God or Reality is immanent in every part of His creation. However, as in Vedanta, all names and forms are passing and unreal; this is conveyed in the verse: 'Everything is perishing except His countenance." Muhammad, like the holy Rishis of the Upanishads, instructed his inner circle in the yogic doctrine that the reality in God and in man is one and the same, and that the soul of man has to discover this and return to the bosom of God or his true Self. On this point, two important Hadiths ascribed to Muhammad are 'Heaven and earth contain Me not, but the heart of My believing servant contains Me,' and 'He who knows himself knows God.' KNOW (experience) eternal spirit.

Meditation is the practice of surrendering, i.e., one surrenders one's identification and attachment to the physical body-brain-mind and returns to God (SELF).

The true teaching of Mohammed (PBUH) is not to worship any image in material form or even in the mind, not even his own picture. All forms of worship are dual in nature, i.e., they keep the one who worships separated and distinct from that which is being worshiped.

The true teaching of Mohammed (PBUH) is the practice of God-union, at-onement as described in ancient mysticism (meditation). This is the true esoteric teaching that Mohammed (PBUH) was taught and tried to pass on to the world. Everything is God, not just one God among the many other gods. All human beings are the manifestation of God who must "overcome" (the true and only holy war) the illusion of separateness through the practice of meditation (not just prayer, worship and exoteric practices).

God is the "eternal flame" which is on every candle (human being). All flames are the same divine flame as the original "Father Flame" (God). The problem (downfall or sin for humanity) is when the individualized flames on the candles become "identified" with the candle (the physical body-brain-mind). This causes the fall from grace and the "true knowledge" that they are and always have been eternal flames (eternal spirit). The meditation of Mohammed (PBUH) removes the ignorance and illusion of separateness and brings the "remembrance" of that which has been forgotten, i.e., the prior true knowledge of the spirit, also known as "wisdom" and "revelation" (the sudden experience that one is and always has been eternal spirit) nothing has to be added...only remove the ignorant separate state of mind, the ego-I.


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