Meditation 106. Meditation Meditation

During meditation, the psychological personality is at rest. The body and brain are basically SHUT DOWN. The true inner self can now begin to know and experience itself as eternal spirit. This is what Jesus was stating when he said: "Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." i.e., Do not let the outside (the body and the brain) know what the inside (true self) is doing. The Christian Bible version is incorrect in the understanding of this statement. (Matthew 6:3).

The Limitation of Psychic Powers

Once you begin to make steady progress on the spiritual pathway, you will acquire strange and wonderful psychic powers. They develop as a result of your energies becoming more refined and subtle. Your vibrations rise and become more attuned to beings of similarly high frequency. You may suddenly discover that you have knowledge of events in future times or distant places. You may hear someone speaking when no one is visible. You may project our of your body and travel to faraway lands or even to other planets and galaxies. Some are even able to fly or materialize things out of thin air. Although these fascinating phenomena really do exist, they do not guarantee happiness any more than any other talent.

In fact, these powers, like any other power, can quickly corrupt an individual. The creative use of psychic powers can be spontaneously employed for the benefit of humankind, but to spend a lot of time developing them for the purpose of self-aggrandizement will only lead to the ruination of the individual and everyone with whom they come in contact. The psychic realms are limited to time and space. Because the goal of the Taoist is to unite with the unlimited oneness, the serious students of Tao do not focus on these realms, but continue to cultivate themselves until the final goal is reached. The positive value of this is that it can improve one's confidence in going further to the ultimate truth and eternal life.

-Hua Ching Ni

What are True and False Religion, Spirituality, and Meditation?

What is popularized, hyped, and commonly believed to be religion, spirituality, or meditation is invariable a form of self-meditation, self-glorification, and self-survival. Such subhuman games are sold to masses of people via an appeal to naive and neurotic needs for certainty, hope, fascination, superiority, a positive self-image, and egoic immunity from fear and death. Thus, religion, spirituality, and meditation become diluted, reduced to the worldy or self-preserving levels of less than human interest. The typical follower is childish, ultimately irresponsible, self-involved, amoral, experientially undeveloped, weak and out of balance in the dimensions of action, feeling, and thought, and irrationally attached to the enclosures of cult and belief.

Just so, in the popular view, religion, spirituality, and mediation are considered to be inherently different or separable things. Thus, meditation tends to be embraced as a merely psychological or physiological technique, even "scientifically" respectable, without religious significance, and often without spiritual content. Religion is commonly embraced without esoteric spiritual understanding or the higher responsibility of meditation. And spiritual or esoteric notions are popularly accepted in a vacuum, as an alternative to true religious and moral responsibilities, and with a simplistic view of meditation that is really a commitment to subjective illusions, self-glorification, and self-survival rather than to sacrifice of self in the Divine in every area of experience.

The popular promotability of religious, spiritual, and meditational ideas, cults, personalities, and practices depends on the subhuman and childish state of the general population. The responsive audience of such propaganda is the same subhuman mass of "consumers" that is the target of TV and the common media all over the world, and little more is required of anyone than to dutifully purchase the "product." To actually use the "product" is not demanded in any profound sense. Just buy it, own it, believe it, and glamorize yourself by association with it.

The whole matter of the popular communication and acceptance of religion, spirituality, and mediation is as obnoxious and absurd as any area of vulgarity in the world. It is all an appeal to the sense of self-divided fear and the general absence of intelligence that keeps people irresponsible and dependent, locked into problems, forever searching for solutions without becoming responsible for the problem and the need itself.


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