Religions (True) 139. Religions (True) Religions (True)

Part- 2

Conventional "religion" and conventional esotericism only point toward Truth. The Perfect Realization of Truth Itself Transcends both conventional "religion" and conventional esotericism (and, thus, Perfectly Transcends the ego-"I"). Therefore, right "religious" practice directly relates to the Divine.

All human matters can be readily resolved when people are rightly re-associated with Reality Itself — or That Which Is Divine. Because conventional "religions" do not reach Beyond themselves to That Which Is Divine, every separate "religious" tradition becomes a "something" in and of itself — and "religion" is reduced to what is gross, and merely of a political and social nature, obsessed with the "self-righteousness" of "correct" social and sexual behavior, and darkened by social xenophobia, sexual paranoia, and every kind of prejudice based on "purity laws" and complex, loveless taboos. All of that is entirely "Narcissistic". Therefore, conventional (and "self"-deluded) participation in "religion" has all the negative results of "Narcissistic" behavior (or ego-based, separative behavior altogether).

"Religion" is not the only dimension of human life that is being misused. All aspects of human possibility are being misused — in exactly the same manner. It is simply that "religion" is one of the key dimensions of human life in which it can be clearly seen how the human entity works (individually and collectively) — and why egoity must be transcended. Therefore, mere "religion" (or any and all "religion" in and of itself) must be transcended.

Conventional "religion", in and of itself, is not the point — and much of conventional "religion" has now lost its legitimacy. The real esoteric process must be established, in present-time, with reference to Reality Itself. Reality Itself Is Divine. Reality Itself Is all the God there Is. Only Reality Itself Is the true esoteric process.




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