Faith (Esoteric) 59. Faith (Esoteric) Faith (Esoteric)


Faith is an act of “subjective” identification with one or another mode of “experience” or conditionally presumed “knowledge”—whether physical (or perceptual), or mental (or conceptual), or emotional, or Spiritual—rather than to “objectify” and “subjectively” dissociate from it.

The conventional idea of faith is belief in the “objective” verity of one or another mode of “experience” or presumed “knowledge”—but such “faith” (or “objectified belief”) is, actually, an act of non-faith, or of “subjective” dissociation (which is the principal and inevitable result of the, necessarily, egoic act of  “objectifying” modes of “experience” or presumed “knowledge”).

The “end of faith” (or the loss of confidence in one or another mode of “experience”, or of previously presumed “knowledge”, or of previously affirmed “objectified belief”) is the result of the failure to accept or achieve (or, otherwise, maintain) “subjective” identification with one or another specific mode of comprehension—and the subsequent admission (of “loss of faith”) is the even aggressive act of “subjective” dissociation from that specific mode of comprehension, and the active relegation of that specific mode of comprehension to the status of a mere “object”.

The renewal (or re-awakening) of faith is the event (or process) of “subjective” re-identification with one or another specific mode of comprehension that was previously relegated to the status of a mere “object”.

Once the act of “objectifying” (and, thus, of “subjectively” dissociating from) any mode of comprehension—or, otherwise, of “ending faith” in one or another mode of comprehension—has occurred, the restoration of faith (or, at least, “objective belief”) in that specific mode of comprehension is, thereafter, always sought (or wanted and anticipated).

Indeed, once the “end of faith” in any significant mode of comprehension is suffered, there is, thereafter, a perpetual longing (or wanting and anticipating search) for the restoration of the “faith experience”.

Conventional, or exoteric, faith is ego-based, “outer-objectivity”-oriented, search-bound, and a form of psychologically addictive behavior.

Non-conventional, or esoteric, faith is ego-based, “inner-subjectivity”-oriented, search-bound, and a form of psychologically addictive behavior.

Perfect Faith Is Intrinsically egoless, Perfectly and Always Already Reality- “Oriented” (or Intrinsically Self-Established In and As Reality Itself), Intrinsically Transcending both “inside” and “outside” (and both “subject” and “object”), Perfectly searchless, and Intrinsically Free (or Perfectly Non-addicted, and without psycho-physical dependencies of any kind).

The “end of faith” is the loss of the egoically constructed “subjective” basis for joy.

Only Reality Itself Is The Universal Basis for Real and Perfect Joy. Therefore, Reality Itself Is The One and Only and Intrinsically Perfect Basis for Perfect Faith.

Perfect Faith Is the ever-renewed capability for the transcending of all “objective” categories of comprehension (or of “experience” and conditionally presumed “knowledge”) and for the transcending of all egoically “subjective” modes of “interiorized” comprehension (or of “subjective” identification and of “subjective” ego-identity).

Perfect Faith Is Intrinsically Perfect Joy—without “reasons” for “It”, and without egoic “self”-identity as either the “causative” basis for “It” or the “caused” result of “It”.

Perfect Faith Is The Intrinsic (and Intrinsically egoless) Self-Apprehension (or Self-Apperception) of The Perfectly egoless, Indi-visible, Non-separate, and Acausal Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State That Is Reality Itself. Perfect Faith Is The Universal Reality-Basis for Real and Perfect Joy.

Perfect Faith Is “Perfect Knowledge” of Real God.

The Real God of Perfect Faith Is Reality Itself—Perfectly Non-“objective”, Perfectly (and Perfectly egolessly) Subjective, Perfectly Indivisible, and Perfectly Acausal In and As The Intrinsic Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State That Is Reality Itself.

Perfect Faith Is “Perfect Knowledge” of Reality Itself.

Perfect Faith Is Perfectly egoless.

Perfect Faith Is Perfect Joy.


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