Karma (Judgements) 90. Karma (Judgements) Karma (Judgements)

Q-16. Are all physical weaknesses and ailments caused primarily from breaking of spiritual laws, instead of just physical or natural laws as we know them?

A-16. Rather the combination of each. . . These (weaknesses) come from (as far back as) the first urge – which is the meeting of the union of forces that create, as the beginning of inception, and those elements then, that enter in by the feeding – when it begins (to enter the baby's experience) with the changes of same – make for certain indications; and (there is) the functioning of glands, as (their activities) are indicated, that make for the height (of a body) or that make for color, or (act so) as to make for the functioning of various (organic) conditions. Then, it's a combination of (all) these. Yet, as has been indicated, always will it be found (also) that the attitude of the mental forces of a body finds its inception (or reflection) in those things that come into growth; for what we think and what we eat – combined together – make what we are, physically and mentally.

Q-17. For instance, do my weaknesses in the physical body have anything to do with the manner in which I first erred in spirit, hence making it necessary for me to correct in harmony within before attaining (to) a perfect body?

A-17. They are the result of same, of course, throughout the activities in the ages, and (the result especially of) what we do about them in any one experience or combination of all of the experiences.

For God has not purposed or willed that any soul should perish, but purgeth everyone by illness, by prosperity, by hardships, by those things, indeed, in order (for the individual) to meet self – but in Him, by faith and works, and ye made every whit whole.

Do keep sweet. Keep that attitude of expectancy. Do keep the attitude of hope. And know that there is healing in the power and might of the love of God.


E. Cayce, A.R.E. State:

With this entity, as with most individuals, the personality and the individuality are not always the same.

Personality is that ye wish others to think and see. Individuality is that your soul prays, your soul hopes for, desires.

These interpretations are chosen. . . with the desire and purpose that this may. . . enable the entity to analyze and see within the self that (which) may be helpful in meeting this, that is called by some at times, dual personality.

It is rather, though, the personality at times giving expression – influenced from sojourns in the material plane – and at other periods the individuality of the entity giving expression – as urged or ruled from the experiences during the interims between the earthly sojourns.

. . . personality and individuality should have some analysis, so as to give the entity a concept of what we mean by personality and individuality:

Personality is that which the entity, consciously or unconsciously, spreads out before others to be seen of others. As to whether you will say, "Good Morning" to Jim or John and ignore Susan or not – these are parts of the personality, because of some difference or because of some desire to be used or needed by that others would have to give.



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