Knowledge (True vs False) 92. Knowledge (True vs False) Knowledge (True vs False)

In Reality Itself (Which Is Truth Itself), all modes and states of conditionally arising apparent “knowledge” (or of ego-based, or “point-of-view”-based, “knowing”) are merely imperfect “knowledge”—and, as such, they are not Truth, and they are not true to Reality Itself, and they are (thus and therefore) limited, insufficient, “point-of-view”-bound, merely ego-made and ego-binding, and (relative to Reality Itself, and, thus, to Truth Itself) they are intrinsically false, they are heart-lies that delude and defeat the heart itself, they are mere and all un-Truth (not relevant to Reality-Realization), and (altogether) they are (each and altogether) the “root”-context of obstruction to The “Perfect Knowledge” That Is The One Necessity for The “Perfect Freedom” and “Perfect Happiness” of beings. Only “Perfect Knowledge”—or Intrinsic Self-Apprehension of The Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself—Is Truth Itself.

“Perfect (and, Thus, Intrinsically egoless, or ‘point-of-view-less’, or centerless) Knowledge” is neither controlled nor controlling nor seeking to control nor (in any sense) either related to or subordinate to a “controller”.

“Perfect Knowledge” neither “knows” nor “solves” nor seeks to “solve” a “problem”.

“Perfect Knowledge” does not surround or contain—and neither is “It” surrounded or contained.

“Perfect Knowledge” is neither of a physical nor of a metaphysical nature.

“Perfect Knowledge” is neither exoteric nor esoteric, neither commonplace nor conventional nor “scientific” nor “religious”, neither “external” nor “internal”, and neither conditionally “knowing” nor conditionally “not-knowing”.

“Perfect Knowledge” Self-Abides As Is—Always Already Prior to “point of view”, Utterly Beyond the context of control, and Intrinsically Free of all physical and/or mental (or perceptual and conceptual) presumptions.

Every “theory”, every “temple”, every body, every “object”, and every mere idea is a centralizing enclosure (either at “outside” or in “inside”).

Every “within”, every presumption, every “point of view”, every “location”, every definition, and every “difference” is an enclosure, a center, a hitching post, and an altar of “sacrifice”—wherein and whereupon the declared “not-self” becomes “scapegoat” upon a “middle”-plane.

Every “object” is a “scapegoat-sacrifice”—both inherently and in “its” exercise.

The “controller” is, at last, The Totality of all-and-All Un-“knowns”.

The Un-“known” Totality is, first and always (whether by “science” or by “religion” or by the conventions of commonplace), made (as if) into a “God” by ego’s “I”, and (thereafter) “It” is confined to the “middle”, and (in due course) “It” is brought low and made small, and (at last) “It” is utterly destroyed—or, as it is, by euphemism’s substitute, said in retrospect, “‘It’ were ‘sacrificed’”.

Every “sacrificed object” is a “known God”. Every “known God” is no longer Divine and Real. The culture of “sacrifice”—whether by “religious” ritual or “moral imperative” or social and political “decree” or by force of ego’s illusory archetypes in brainmind or commonplace expectation—is no longer relevant, right, true, necessary, or sane.

“Perfect Freedom”, “Perfect Happiness”, and (Therefore) “Perfect Knowledge” Is Required—by all-and-All.

Only “Perfect Knowledge” Is (In “Perfect Freedom”) Self-Allowed—and Self- Allowing all-and-All To Self-Abide As Is.

Only “Perfect Knowledge” Is Truth.

Only “Perfect Knowledge” Is Divine.

Only “Perfect Knowledge” Is Reality Itself.

Only “Perfect Knowledge” Is “Perfect Freedom”.

Only “Perfect Knowledge” Is “Perfect Happiness” (or Intrinsic Love-Bliss- Being) Itself.

Only Happiness Itself (Thus) Is egoless, Non-mortal, Eternal, Perfect, and Divine.

Except for “Perfect Knowledge”, all “knowledge” is mere ideas, the fantasies of “point of view”, entirely imperfect, intrinsically limited, partial, and insufficient, altogether not-Truth, not-Divine, not-Reality, not-Freedom, not-Happiness, and a merely mortal, unnecessary, and egoically “self”-deluded occupation of human mummery.

All imperfect “knowledge” is FALSE.


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